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Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce Through Individualized Coaching

Statement of Problem

Research demonstrates that high-quality early childhood home visiting programs are powerful platforms for providing caregivers with needed information and guidance as they support their children’s social, emotional and academic learning. This, in turn, helps children enter kindergarten ready to learn and succeed academically throughout their school years. Much of the success of these programs rests on employing and retaining high-quality staff.

Strengthening the home visiting workforce is recognized as a priority area for research and practice, and many local implementing agencies have strategies for professional development and practice-based training. There has also been increasing attention on the role that mental health and well-being play in a home visitor’s job satisfaction, burnout and retention. Locally, Creating Collaborative Communities (C3), led by the Health Federation of Philadelphia (HFP), is one example of an initiative that aims to strengthen workforce capacity by offering Philadelphia home visiting programs access to relevant, quality professional development, organizational technical assistance and peer support. 

The C3 initiative has illuminated additional needs for and gaps in professional development opportunities for the home visiting community. One of these gaps, strongly supported in the literature, is the need for individualized coaching for home visitors. Coaching is a widely recognized component of professional development in early childhood fields to encourage practitioner growth and improve client outcomes. While research on coaching home visitors is still in the early stages, experts posit that these benefits hold true for the field of home visiting as well. There is a need to empirically examine the primary components of coaching home visitors in order to advance research and practice.


Next Steps

We are in the process of recruiting Delphi expert panel participants and plan to launch the first survey in Fall 2023. Delphi findings will be used to inform intervention design, refinement of the evaluation plan and development of a coaching checklist to aid in ensuring the coaching model is implemented as intended. 

This project page was lasted updated in August 2023.

Suggested Citation

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PolicyLab. Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce Through Individualized Coaching  [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: plug in date accessed here]. 

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