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Pregnancy complications may recur and are associated with potentially modifiable risks. The role of interconception preventive care in reducing repeat pregnancy complications is understudied. This retrospective cohort used 2007-2012 Medicaid claims from 12 states. Included women…
In May 2021, PolicyLab virtually convened more than 30 experts from across the United States for a workshop on state policy levers to address unmet social needs in the pediatric setting. This workshop grew out of a PolicyLab issue brief focused on ensuring that screening for unmet…
Untreated postpartum depression drives health disparities and can negatively interfere with a caregiver’s attachment and engagement, significantly affecting the mental health, development and safety of their child. While pediatric offices often have a consistent, positive connection to…
Since 1975, more than 3 million refugees have resettled in the United States and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects nearly 1 in 10 of them in high- and middle-income nations. When parents cannot access effective PTSD treatment, it can have profound negative impacts on their…
New mothers are not getting the critical preventive care they need to stay healthy, leading to adverse health outcomes for them and for their children. While new parenthood is often an exciting, happy and rewarding time, it is a time in which mothers can also experience a range of…